Summer Swimming Pool Safety

Summer Swimming Pool Safety

Jul 08, 2019by Mark Zalewski

Owning a swimming pool brings a lot of enjoyment in the summer months.

Having friends and family over to share in the fun is great, but you need to have

clearly stated safety rules. The pool owner has a responsibility to ensure the

safety of their guests. Making pool safety a priority is a smart way to protect

yourself and your guests.

Here are some pool safety rules that should be followed:

  • Children Must Be Supervised

This rule has no exceptions. Children should always be supervised when playing

in or near the pool area. Ask someone to watch them for you if necessary or hire

a babysitter. If your children are being watched by someone else, make sure that

they are a responsible adult who knows how to administer CPR.

If you are having a party, you can set up “shifts” for the supervising adults so that

one person isn’t stuck always watching the kids and the kids will have constant


Safe Kids Worldwide offers some great tips on supervising children in the pool.

Do not allow children to use the pool if there is no adult present.

  • Fencing

Pool owners should always have a barrier or locked fence at all times around their

pool. Only the homeowners should have the key. Make sure the barrier isn’t

easy to climb on either. If possible, use a gate alarm that will signal if the gate is

open, so you are alerted.

  • Check into Local Requirements

Backyard swimming pools will normally have safety requirements required by the

community and homeowner’s insurance companies. Check into these

requirements and make sure you follow them.

  • Phone Availability

It’s a good idea to have a poolside telephone always available. Anytime you have

guests using the pool, have a portable handset available or cell phone nearby in

case of an emergency.

  • Check the Pool First

Make it a policy in your home and surrounding area that whenever a child is

missing, the pool is the first place you check. There’s no time to waste when

there could be a possible drowning. It could be the difference in time that saves a


  • Swimming Basics

It’s important that your entire family at least know basic water survival skills.

Make sure that everyone is able to tread water and get to the side of the pool.

Ideally, the goal is for everyone to know how to swim and be relaxed in the water;

but that can be a process that takes some time. If that’s the case, then focus on

getting the basics down which can be taught fairly quick and easy.

  • Using Alarms

As we previously mentioned, it is a good idea to install an alarm on the pool fence

gate. This will notify you if the gate is opened. There are also pool alarms and

window alarms that can be used if your swimming pool is connected to the side of

your house.

  • CPR

Everyone in your home that is old enough should be taught CPR basics and the

proper way to treat a drowning victim. There are many different places that offer

courses in your area. Visit the Red Cross website for classes available near you.

  • Hot Tub Safety

If you have a hot tub or spa you should have locked cover on it when you are not

using it. Be sure to supervise children closely so that they don’t accidentally fall


Your swimming pool should be a fun addition to your summer. Following some

simple precautions will ensure everyone’s safety.