When Your Swimming Pool Springs a Leak

When Your Swimming Pool Springs a Leak

Aug 02, 2019by Mark Zalewski

It’s not hard to notice a leak if you own a swimming pool. It’s easy to spot a leak when the water is pouring out. However, determining where the leak is coming from may be a whole different story. It will depend on the leak as to whether or not locating it will be complicated.

Don’t automatically assume that because you have missing pool water it is due to a leak. It could be something else. There are three primary causes for water loss in swimming pools. They are:

  • Plumbing Leaks
  • Shell Leaks
  • Evaporation

Determine the cause of water loss before you proceed with any needed adjustments. Sometimes you can lose water if there’s a lot of splashing and diving in the pool.

Evaporation is a common reason for losing water in your pool. To determine if evaporation is the culprit, take a large container filled with water and place on the first step of your pool. Now remove some of the water in container until it matches with your pool’s water level. Let the container sit there for a few days. Make sure no one uses the pool during this time. The levels should be the same when you check back in a few days. If the water levels have decreased, then you know it is from evaporation. If the water in the pool has dropped below the container’s water level, then you’ll know that you have a leak in your pool.

If your water level is dropping due to a pool leak, your first plan of action is to locate the leak. Always check near your filter and pump first. Along the way, if you notice any wet or damp areas, trace the water back to see if you can locate a leak. Often times the leak will end up being where a pipe connects.

If it doesn’t appear to be a pipe leak, then it could be an issue with your shell. If your pool is an above ground pool, then simply look for a hole where the water is leaking from on the outside and repair it. However, if you have an in-ground pool then it can be more complicated. You can try inspecting the shell in the pool and check the surrounding areas. There are times when you may look thoroughly and still not be able to find the source of your leak. If the problem is your shell, then you should leave it to a competent professional to repair it. Shells for underground pools can be tricky to repair and should be fixed by someone qualified.

Locating and repairing a leak with your swimming pool is basically a process of elimination until you find the source. Once you have located it you can decide on the best way to repair it yourself or call a professional.  For further information on the average cost in your area to repair pool leaks visit Fixr.com.